Grattoirs and scrappers-wooden small and large


Wooden scrappers or grattoirs work at any warp set.  large is 3 inches by 2 inches, medium-soon to be available  in 3 inches by 1 inch, and small which is 3/4 inches by 3inches


Wooden Grattoirs and scrappers – small and large

Beautiful in their own right, They are an inexspensive alternative to the more spendy metal grattoirs. And, more traditional then the metal grattoirs. Will work at any warp set.  large is 3 inches by 2 inches, medium-soon to be avaiable  in 3 inches by 1 inch, and small which is 3/4 inches by 3inches

Wooden Grattoirs made of hard wood in two different sizes, fine toothed. They are meant to be small enough to fit in the palm of the hand and pull the bubble straight down. Originally a low warp tool that has migrated into use by high warp weavers. Especially valuable when using fine wefts and silk and rayon wefts. Wooden Grattoirs come in two different sizes – and  3 inches  x 1/2 inches x 3/8 inch  with 6 teeth and 3 inches x 2 inches x 3/8  for the larger with 15 teeth. Sizes can vary slightly.   Produced  and designed by Between & Etc. We will soon be producing one that is one inch by  three inches.  Cost is 8.00 for the small 15.00 for the larger.

Additional information

Dimensions 3 × 2 × .33 in


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