Learn to Weave Tapestry Feathers
Private Classes Available, $375.
Weaving Tapestry Feathers

GC-Last stand -11-3-2020
This one-on-one Zoom class is all about the doing, weaving and creating your own personal style of tapestry woven feathers.
Feathers have numerous meanings to different people and cultures. We will explore the tapestry skills, techniques and design elements involved to create a beautifully woven feather.
Tapestry weavers in this class should have a basic knowledge of how to warp a tapestry loom as well as familiarity with soumak, twining and related line techniques. If these techniques are not familiar to you, consider taking my soumack class.
We will explore the five basic shapes of feathers, as well as usage, design and drawing with verticle soumak and twining. Colours used to weave the feather will represent what you choose to see and weave in your design. Typically, students create and weave two feather projects during this class.
No actual feathers will be used, purchased, or exploited. Photographs of feathers and the internet will be used for designing purposes. Be aware that borrowing feather designs will be highly discouraged. In some cases I may lend a feather design and/or outline.
Our Feathers class will meet six times (typically weekly) for 2-hour lessons. Sessions will be one-on-one and designed specifically for you and your tapestry skills level. We will discuss where you are in your tapestry weaving journey and determine reasonable objectives and a goal specific to your skills, for the class.
Let’s chat! Email betweenandetc@comcast.net or call 541-917-3251 to determine our class start date and time schedule that works for both of us.
My time zone is Pacific Standard time. We will work out a schedule of zoom classes that what works for both of us. Working in the middle of the night is tiring for both the instructor(me) and the student.
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