Gone, time, and Compulsion
Gone-Go is historically derived from at least three Proto-Indo-European roots: *ghê, the source of go and maybe gone; *ei and ī, the source of ēode; and a root beginning *w-, the source of went from wendan from windan. All three roots are continually used in the standard English derivatives go, gone and went.
absent, away, left, disappeared, moved out, departed, vanished
used up, spent, finished, consumed, depleted, drained, exhausted
dead, deceased, passed away, passed on, no more
So where does time all go? I guess into some sort of void. I really need to find that void so I can retrieve a few things-One synonym for void and gone both is never. Gone is so laden with should haves, could haves, would haves.
Really! Where does time go? It doesn’t seem to be terribly missing because there always seems to be more of it until there isn’t.
This is such a screwy spring my Christmas Cactus is blooming at the wrong time of year. Really! Where does time go? It doesn’t seem to be terribly missing because there always seems to be more of it until there isn’t.
yes,this is one of mine-The late late and almost late
Marche Hare. copyright 2011TIME
"Webster’s New World College Dictionary". 2010. http://www.yourdictionary.com/time. "1.indefinite, unlimited duration in which things are considered as happening in the past, present, or future; every moment there has ever been or ever will be… a system of measuring duration 2.the period between two events or during which something exists, happens, or acts; measured or measurable interval"
The last several weeks have been busy trying to learn the ins and outs of two new computers and retrieving those things that have gone missing from my old lap top. The other new computer is my personal computer sans FFP. I am actually enjoying the process. Frustrating challenges are so much fun. A little like using a hammer on ones head. It feels so good when one quits hitting oneself in the head. I installed live writer into my computer to write my blog. So far so good. It doesn’t seem to have or create the unusual frustrating effects that the old program I was using did. I seem to have more control over picture placement, but we will see.
The weaving I have managed to do has been fun and nostalgic and a little painful. Tomorrow night I am teaching a short session on weaving on boxes. When I was a child My Gramma used the weaving of boxes as a means to keep me busy while she was running the store I would sit for hours and weave interesting designs and materials into elaborate boxes with lids-1955to the 196?’s, I have always wondered how she came up with the idea of using a box as a loom to weave a 3 dimensional shape. I have often wondered if it was something she and her friends came up with the idea or if they found in a magazine or were taught by others trying to find projects for Vacation Bible school.
samples and kits
I needed to regroup and reweave a few of my small boxes. In the past I have given all of the boxes a way as gifts. I have decided this will probably be the last time that I weave a small box at 8 ends per inch. The needle weaving the bottom is just too hard on my hands. One idea might be to soumack the bottom of the loom or do gross needlepoint on the bottom of the loom. Cash Grocery, College Place, WN.
I was about 5 years old when I wove my first box. At one time my Gramma had several of the old Boxes that I had woven, but somewhere along the way they went missing or my Grandfather may have sold them in a garage sale. Not so hard to understand the why as he owned Cash Grocery in College Place, Washington for over 50 years. By the end of his life selling things had become an obsession or maybe even a sickness with him. The sale was everything. He
If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I’d like to do Is to save every day Till Eternity passes away Just to spend them with you Time in a bottle-Jim Croce |
sold several very valuable family heirlooms for pennies on the hundreds of dollars they were worth. The other thing I have always found interesting is that Sara Swett also weaves on box looms. She is roughly from the same area that My Grandmother lived in. Gramma spent a lot of time in I have wondered if it was a regional type of weaving.
My attempt at
Time in a bottle
Someday I should take the time to ask Sara. Of course, it could all be independent invention. I should ask her sometime where she learned. Most of the boxes I have seen that Sara has been involved with weaving or students work seem to be quite a bit larger than the ones I learned to weave and topless. There are also subtle differences in the way we set up the loom. My
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Gramma’s style always seemed to have lids and were never used as purses that folded over and were fastened with a button and a crocheted loop. The crocheted loop makes sense because my Gramma crocheted, embroidered laces, table clothes and lace clothing. I wish I’d paid more attention and asked Gramma where she learned to create all of the little different odd shaped looms that she taught me to weave on. Unfortunately, she died in the mid 90’s. In my conceits Gramma just always was. By the time I realized how unique it all was the Alzheimer’s had set in and I was busy dealing with the multitudes of problems of rearing 2 sons and working on my BA and MAIs.
I am finally as of this weekend almost done with my backlogs of things that were overdue. It’s taken me six weeks to catch-up! The article is finished and being edited. All of the required pieces are all snuggled in the various shows that they are in. Love the word snuggled it always reminds of the night before Christmas. Things that needed to be done are done and done before Pat had knee surgery. Invoices and such are up to date and shipped. Pat had surgery on Monday. And, all seems to be well. I have about 2 months until the ANWG conference for my own projects. I am going to work on several new pieces and finish them for the exhibit in Corvallis.
My study for the next couple of weeks is this wonderful rug I bought at Peabody’s an antique store in Albany that is going out of business. In the last several weeks I have bought 3 rugs, a bag all to study.
Knotted silk rug that Chene has claimed.
Talk about an embarrassment of riches. I wish I knew how this technique was done. It has floats on the back. I’ll need to spend some time with my woven structures book by Marla Mallert-Woven Structures- a guide to Oriental Rug and Textile Analysis.
She has a wonderful web that I have
learned so much from and makes me realize how little I know about all of the forms of tapestry and other related structures.
Compulsion a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act, especially one that is irrational or contrary to one’s will.
“…in vain is the net baited while the bird is looking on…”
I had written a great deal about the obsessive compulsion that comes over me when I haven’t woven in a while. Well, some how it’s all gone. Not the compulsion to weave just the written confession of an obsessive compulsive tapestry weaver. Just know that I am suffering that compulsion as of right now and have been overcome with the need to weave.
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I’d like to do
Is to save every day
Till Eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I’d save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with youBut there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I’ve looked around enough to know
That you’re the one I want to go
Through time withIf I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by youBut there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I’ve looked around enough to know
That you’re the one I want to go
Through time with
I was a kid my Gramma had a huge xmas cactus and she that had belonged to her mother. She would get it to bloom by moving the plant from the shaded bedroom to the sunny front room several times a year, but the light treatment doesn't make sense with the weather this year.
I personally would love to step through a wormhole or time warp. COuld use some fun thing and meeting spock would be great.
My christmas cactus keeps blooming, as well. I think, because it is still cool out at night, and I keep one frond touching the cool window. Someone told me to do that if it doesn't bloom, and it has been a prolific bloomer ever since!
Also loved Jim Croce…
Wouldn't that be fun! Thank you for recommending me!
My Christmas cactus is blooming right now too. Maybe we got caught in the same time warp or wormhole. Maybe I'll be meeting Spock next.