Announcing a new book from fine Fiber Press-So Warped
So Warped, Warping a Loom for Weaving Tapestry by Kathe Todd-Hooker and Pat Spark
ISBN 9780-9753698-6-9

To help understand warping, we present different types of tapestry looms, various tensioning and shedding mechanisms including several types of heddles, and the following warping methods: figure eight, circular, bout, four-selvedge, floor loom, and as an added treat, the method of warping the Russian Old Believer backstrap loom for weaving tapestry belts. There are 110 pages of information for warping your loom so you can weave tapestry. If you aren’t warped before you read this book, So Warped will really help you get there.
Pre-publication price is $32.00 plus $5.00 shipping and handling. This special price is only offered through Fine Fiber Press and is only available until April 30, 2010. After that time, the price will be $35.00 plus $5.00 s/h. Discount quantity prices are available for vendors. Order from Fine Fiber Press and Studio, 604 1st Avenue East; Albany, Oregon 97321 USA phone 1-541-917-3251 email:
Here is a teaser of a page from the book. Enjoy!!!
Thank you, Kathy. It's nice to hear the congrats on finishing something so big!
Congratulations on having completed this newest book, Kathe! I know it will be a very helpful resource for a lot of weavers!