Resume of Kathe Todd-Hooker
Kathe Todd-Hooker is an award-winning tapestry weaver and instructor, dreamer, writer, tapestry list mistress, a sometimes historian, journaler, who writes about tapestry, design, colour, journaling, symbolism, Russian Old Believers, and tapestry technique. Her work consists of small format work (less than 15 inches square inches at 20-22 epi). She has degrees in Craft Design from OSAC (BA) and OSU (MAIS) in craft design and other minors-history, economics and CTRA She has been teaching tapestry and other things since 1981. She is a native of the NW and an ardent student of myth and symbolism that often seeps into her tapestry imagery. She has studied Gobelin, Swedish, Navajo, British, Coptic, Middle Eastern and kesa techniques from which she synthesizes the techniques that solve technical and design problems in tapestry.
Ms. Todd-Hooker is the owner of Between & Etc. She publishes and writes books on tapestry and sell supplies for these media. Ms. Todd-Hooker has written 5 books-- Shaped Tapestry, Lines in Tapestry, Tapestry 101, So Warped (co- authored by Pat Spark), Tapestry, Soumak and Friends and has written numerous articles on tapestry and articles on Russian Old Believers and Journaling. She teaches nationally, internationally and has private students that come to her studio Between & Etc in Albany, Oregon. She will also be teaching on zoom. She was the administrator and owner of the tapestry list since 1996. She now administrators two tapestry groups on Facebook-Small Format Tapestry a place of our own and the Tapestry Compendium and is a blogger. She also Has an Open Studio called the Wednesday group that is both on zoom and as the times and circumstances an open studio where people can come or join in asking Questions and discussing tapestry or anything related to tapestry and a few other textile things. Her work is in private collections and has been exhibited extensively both nationally and Internationally. She prefers to do speculative work to commissions. She has taught at numerous conferences and guilds and privately in her studio and on Zoom. She is the moderator of the group Between & Etc Studio hours also called Wednesdays Group.
Honors and Awards
- 2021 Small expressions Traveling Exhibit; Award of Excellence
- 2020 Teitelbaum award ATB 13
- 2017 Teitelbaum award ATA Small Tapestry International 5
- NEWS-Jeanetta Jones Memorial funds Award for Structural Creativity 0r innovative weaving
- 2016 Pacific time Zone exhibit 2016 ATA American Tapestry Biennial 11
- 2016 Santiam Gallery, LBCC, Narratives
- 2015 Teitelbaum award ATA Small Tapestry International 4
- 2013 Honorable Mention, National Fiber Directions
- 2013 ATA Award, Coastal Fiber Arts
- 2012 2nd Place, HGB Award, Fiber Celebration
- 2010 Best of Show Blue Ridge Handweavers; Small Expressions
- 1st prize: Convergence; Albuquerque, NM(re-signed)
- Juror’s Choice; Yeisir Art Center; Pedukah, KY.
- 2009 American Tapestry Alliance award
- Fibers Celebrated 2009; Durango, CO
- Small Expressions: Grinnell University, 3rd prize (resigned due to frame failure in shipping)
- 2008 Blue Ridge Hand weaving Show
- John M. Crawford Gallery Asheville School, Asheville, NC. Best of show & Best of Category2004 All OR Art Annual, Salem, OR
- 2003 All OR Art Annual 2002Small Expressions; 3rd Place; Convergence
- 2001Tomorrow Heirlooms, ANWG Con., Eugene, OR,
- HGA Award of Excellence and Best of Show, Brave New Worlds, New Visions: Most Provocative Concept; ANWG Con, Eugene, Or
- 1999 Manning's National Hand weaving Show, 2nd place
- 1998 Manning’s National Handweaving Show; 3rd place
- 1997Small Expressions; Second Place; Canton OH; All OR Art Annual
- 1st place & National Fine Crafts Award
- 1996 The Manning’s National Handweaving Show-Best of Show
- 1995 Fiber Celebrated ‘95; Schacht Award of Excellence•
- Celebration of Creativity, HGA Award, Certificate of Merit
- The Manning’s National Fiber Show, First Place
- Second place HGA Award & Best of Show
- Fiber Celebration 95
- Northern Colorado Weaver’s Guild
- Honorable Mention: WeGo Best of Show
- Judge's Choice Award The Manning's National Fiber Show
- First Place, Second Place Celebration of Creativity
- Fiber Exhibit, HGA Award
- All OR Art Annual, Second Place
- 1993 Fiber Fan Fare Juried Show, ANWG Con
- Technical Excellence, Best Use of Small Threads, American Tapestry Alliance Award
- 1991 My Tales, Weaving Tales ANWG Con. Eugene, OR.,
- Best Color, Judges Award, and HGA Award
- 1990 All OR Art Annual, First Place
PUBLICATIONS-Tapestry 101, Lines in Tapestry, Shaped Tapestry, So Warped, Tapestry Soumak and Friends (unpublished in layout), and numerous textile periodical articles. Tapestry Compendium blog and Kathetoddhooker’s.blog Meanderings (blog).
EDUCATION-1981-84 MAIS, OR State University, Corvallis, OR (Craft Design, CTRA, History)1978-81 BA, OR School of Arts and Crafts through Marylhurst College, Beaverton, OR 1975-77 PTLD Community College, PTLD, OR, History and Economics (pre-law)1968-69 Bakersfield College, Bakersfield, CA, Eastern History and Archeology1966-68 Walla Walla College, College Place, WA, Art and English Literature
EXHIBITIONS-Selected 2021 More impact: Climate Change, ATA Biennale, 2021 Small expressions Traveling Exhibit; Kate Derum Small tapestries Finalist 2020, ATA Tapestry Biennale 13-Teitelbaum Award; Fantastic Fibers, Pedukah, Ky; Small Expressions; Renditions 2020 ATA(on line): Impact Climate Change-BI Coastal; 2019 ATA Tapestry Biennale 12; 2018 American Tapestry Biennale 12 Biggest Little Tapestries ATA Small Format 2017 Teitelbaum award ATA Small Tapestry International 5; 2016 ATA Tapestry Unlimited, Earth, Wind and Fire(group touring Australia, England, US); ATA Tapestry Biennale 11, ETC. One person exhibit, Eugene, Oregon, Narratives LBCC Santiam Gallery, Albany, Oregon, 2016 Santiam Gallery, LBCC, Narratives 2015 ATA Small Tapestry International, ETC-Kathe Todd-Hooker(one person) 2014 Unjuried Small Format Exhibit, ATA 2013 ATA Outside the line: Small Tapestry 3,The Power of Slow; ATA Online Invitational Exhibition2013 Fire Storm-Woven Together, Colorado Springs Colorado2012 Fiber Celebration, Longmont Museum & Cultural Center, Longmont, CO 2012 Fantastic Fibers; Yeisir Art Center Paducah, Kentucky 2011 Coastal Fiberarts 2011; Astoria, Oregon; Fantastic Fibers; Yeisir Art Center Paducah, Kentucky; Passages: ATA Small format Tapestry; Passages; 1st venue-SW Weaving; Taos New Mexico 2010 Small Expressions; Convention Center Albuquerque, NM :ATB8; Elder Gallery, Lincoln, NE (9-20-10 to 11-15-10)and Am. Tex. History Museum, Lowell MA. 2009 Small Expressions, Mississippi Craft Center, Ridgefield MI, and Hartnell University. Hartnell Indiana 2009 Connections, Small Format Show, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. San Jose, CA. 2008 Blue Ridge Hand weaving Show; Weaverville, NC.; Salsa y Salsa, Convergence; St Petersburg, Fl.; Woven Gems; St Petersburg, FL 2007 Small Expressions, Robert Hallstead’s Textile Gallery; Lincoln, NE & IAC, Indianapolis, IN; All OR Art Annual;, Salem, OR,2006 ATA Biennial 6; Grand Rapids MI ; Tapestry on the Edge; Nordic Heritage Museum; American Tapestry Biennial 7; ATA; Scaraphone Hartley Gallery, University of Tampa, FL; Wood and Fiber; Umpqua’s Valley Art Assoc.; Roseburg, OR ,OR Crafted Exhibit; Albany City Hall, Or; Small Expressions; American Tapestry Alliance Biennial 6, Grand Rapids, MI, Bellevue Art Museum, Threads a Fiber Show, Eugene Airport Gallery; Grand Ideas, Kendall School of Art and Design; Grand Rapids, MI 2005 Gallery 2; Art Centric, Corvallis, OR , Message makers; Craft Museum; Canton, OH ; ANWG Guild Con,; Color Me; Tacoma, WN.: Gordon House; OR Gardens; Fiber Show, Silverton, OR; Kathe Todd-Hooker; Albany City Hall; Albany, OR; OR Art Annual, OR state Fair, Salem, OR: Globalization- Campbell Hall Art Gallery, WOU, Monmouth, OR; Fiber Celebrated; IWC Con.; Yavapai College Art Gallery, Prescott AZ 2004 Mountain Majesty, Convergence 2004; Denver, CO; Six of One; Assembly Art Gallery, Denver Gallery, Denver, CO, Small Format Frontiers, Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO, 2003 911 Memorial Tapestry-worldwide; All OR Art Annual; Salem, OR, Allied Arts Center, Richland, WA 2001 Half Past 12: Moments in Tapestry: Fine Line Creative Arts Center, St Charles, Ill 2002The Interwoven Community; Small format Tapestry; Small Expressions; Tapestry is Art” Morris Graves Museum of art; Humboldt County; CA; Grants Museum of Art; Grants Pass, OR; 2000All OR Art Annual;; Salem OR; American Tapestry Biennial lll.; Northern Kentucky University; Highland Heights, KY; Onda Gallery National Tapestry Show;, PTLD, OR The Instructors View; Southern Ill. University-Edwardsville, Ill.; Brave New Worlds; ANWG Regional Con, Eugene, OR, Tomorrows Heirlooms; ANWG Regional Con., Eugene, OR ,Butterfly, Northern Kentucky University; Highland Heights, KY, Instructors Show; Convergence 2000; Cincinnati, OH: Manning’s National Handweaving Show; East Berlin, PA; All OR Annual, OR, Salem, OR; Contemporary West Coast Tapestry; Seattle, WN; Tapestry Forum; Buckley Center Gallery, U of P, PTLD, OR,1998 Resonance; Convergence 98; Atlanta, GA,; In Touch With Fibers; Canton Museum of Art; Canton, OH 1999 Pacific Edge, Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, CA; Coos Bay Museum, Coos Bay, Best of OR Fiber Art Show; All OR Art Annual;; Salem, OR; Manning’s National Handweaving Show; East Berlin, PA; ITNET 2000: Tapestries at the Millennium; The; American Tapestry Biennial 2; Atlanta, GA; Resonance.; ITNET 3; International Tapestry Network Small Format Exhibit; Internet;1997 Small Expressions; All OR Art Annual; Salem, OR: Unnamed, Keizer Art Association, Keizer City Hall Keizer, Or.1996 Miniatures; Corvallis Art Center, Corvallis, OR, Small Expressions; HGA; Gango Gallery; Ptld., Or.; Exquisite Miniatures; Lake Oswego Library; Lake Oswego, OR; It’s About Time!, PTLD Art Museum; Central and Southern Willamette Valley Invitational; Linn-Benton Historical Society; Take Time; OR Convention Center; PTLD, OR; Convergence 96; 11th Biennale; Sombathely Keptar; Kuntsthalle Sombathely; Sombathely, Hungary; Manning’s National Handweaving Show; East Berlin, PA; Fantastic Fibers; Yeisir Art Center; Paducah, KY; Greater Midwest International Exhibit; Art Ctr. Gallery; CMSU; Warrenburg, MO; Connected; MU Gallery; OSU; Corvallis, Or1995 First Annual Mini Show; Corvallis Art Center; Corvallis, OR; Celebration of the Arts ’; Eleventh Annual; Salem, OR ;All OR Art Annual;; Salem, OR ;OR Biennial; PTLD Art Museum; PTLD, OR ;The Manning’s National Fiber Art Show; East Berlin, PA ;Crafts National 29; Zoller Gallery, University Park, PA ;Fiber Celebrated 95; Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, AZ; Fiber Celebration 95; One West Art Center, Fort Collins, CO; Celebration of Creativity-Fiber and Textile Exhibit; Crossman Gallery, Troy, WI; Collaborations; Umpqua Valley Art Center; Roseburg, OR 1994 WeGo OR's Best in Fiber Arts; Juried Exhibit; Encuentro Internationale de Arte, Textil Minitura;;Mexico City, MEX; Northern Stars, Instructors Show, Convergence '94, HGA; Minneapolis, Mi.; HGA The Manning's National Fiber Art Show; East Berlin, PA; Small Expressions; HGA, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, MN. &Taipei, Taiwan; Portraits, Umpqua Valley Art Association, Roseburg, OR; Celebration of Creativity Fiber Exhibit; Crossman Gallery, Whitewater, WI; All OR Art Annual; Salem, OR; Ghosts: Dreaded Demons and Ancestors; Student Union Art Gallery, San Francisco State University, CA.; Veiled Collaborations; Sinclair Community College, LRC Gallery, Dayton OH, Gallery, OSU, Corvallis, OR, 4 per. exhibit.