After the break– second part.
Shyness is one of the reasons that I write on this blog. It’s suppose to be therapeutic in helping me deal with my shyness. The first of December I hit a wall with posting blogs. It was one too many and way too much for my shyness. Life was fine. Totally full but fine. I just didn’t want to write in such an open format. I refused to even think about it. I retreated. I didn’t even post the first part of this blog and it was very close to being finished. Maybe 2 hours adding pictures and playing with fonts, which I really enjoy.
Do Rya or Not!Since then I have finished Chene’s piece with the rya border. Haven’t decided whether I want to leave it or not. I have had at least one person tell me they dislike the rya border.On the other hand they might just hate rya in any form. At least one other person has told me they love the Rya and it suits the piece, the comfort of the blankets, Chene’s contentment, and possible it making a statement about the fribbles and attitudes from the time of my formative years when I first learned handwork and women’s relationships to hand made things. It reminds me of the pillows that were made just to keep ones hands busy. I was thinking about trimming the rya{(making it more disciplined and now I wonder if I will. I l
ike the untamed overgrown quality of the rya. The border is actualkly a series of triangles done in embroidery floss and hand dyed silk ribbon. It’s almost an expression of Chene’s personality. It’s so in your face. Surrounding a calm soothing portrait of a sometimes(?) hyperactive dog.
So what have I learned form doing rya on the two pieces with Rya that I have been working on.
1-how to make the rya to lay in the direction I want it to go to frame something on 4 sides. Rya will always lean away from the bar of the larks heard knot. In order to outline a rectangle the first rows across the fell line that hangs down away from the center have the bars on top and are tied in what one normally sees in rya design.
2. To match the density of the knots running across the fell line you have to deal with 2 warps and 1 knot. To do the sides you can use groups of 2 warps together and knot around them or you can knot around one warp and skip a warp between the knots.
3. In order to get the top knots to lean upwards the kno
t is tied upside down to the way it was tied on the first rows of knots that pull down and away from the center.
3. The stand up density of the rya is partially controlled by the amount of passes between the rows of knotting.
4. The best joins for the verticals slits created between the tapestry and the knots is a single interlock between the warps. Other joins such as shared and dovetails warps leave a notch that can disturb the smooth transition of the slits visually.
5. At 20 epi a doubled embroidery floss averages 100 knots to the square inch. When thinking about the size of the pile one needs to think in terms of a cone-the knot begins tight and flairs the ends out into a cone shape that takes more space as the ends lengthen and can
cause the tapestry to buckle and curve to the back. If the rya tails are long most of the design becomes indistinct the longer the ends.
Shelley Socolofsky’s new Piece with rya and detail called Frontiers at the OCAC Instructors exhibit.
6. If the materials you are using are slick and difficult to stay put-mohair, monofilaments, hair and silk weight as you knot. They often times will set a curl or twist and make them stay in place better.
7. When you measure a piece or a cartoon that has rya on the edges. The rya is going to increase the width of the piece when it lays down. Hence the piece I was going to send to ATA unjuried small format show is now an inch and a half to big for the show. 10 inches became 13 inches. I have a 3.5 inch warp left beside Chene’s piece that I will now be weaving frantically on for a piece in that exhibit. Thankfully, the piece wasn’t due at the same time the entry was. IT gives me a month to finish a piece to take it’s place.
Cape Arrigo and Sunset Beach in the rain Christmas day
Chene as pillow and and me with my kindle
Pat and I are almost finished with updating the Shaped Tapestry book. There is a new section that has 3-d weaving for shaping-using feathers pulled warps and rya. Plus we took the section on mounting tapestries a little further to reflect the way I mount small format tapestry now. Updated the tools section. Updated the gallery and added more tapestries.We are really happy with the update. It is just amazing how technology has changed in the layout and publishing world since 2004. ONe of the new Gallery shots in the Shaped Tapestry book the tapestry is by Bev Walker and is called Gateways. It helps to illustrate the pulled wefts and soumack in the book.
We spent Christmas at the ocean recharging our Batteries. There is a motel in Yachats that has beautiful rooms that overlook the ocean with huge windows. We spent 4 days there. Reading, walking listening to music. There was absolutely no internet or phone connection, TV, and so quiet you could hear the ocean and the birds. Long enough for Chene to run from the wild rabbits-semi wild and decide walking on beach sand beasts walking in the desert. He learned to fet
ch his sweater when he was cold and attempt to put it on. Hasn’t quite got the hang of putting his feet in the leg holes, but he tries. But he has learned to back himself as soon as he sees
a suitcase.
Yes, we are still waiting on the solar panels. Everything has been done for the solar panels. We are now waiting for permits from the city of Albany and the energy trust of Oregon. We told it could take 3 days to 3 months for them to come through. We took the sign down that they put in the front yard, because people kept stopping to ask where the solar panels are that are waiting on the bureaucrats. It seems like we may be one of the first people in the city of Albany to get home solar panels. Browser books is the only other business in town with solar panels.
The windows are now all upgraded and Anthony is working on the laundry room and small bathroom that seems to serve as the entry between the studio and our home. No one who knows us ever uses the front porch.
My walk is almost done that allows me to chase Wry and Chene across the hopefully soon to be flower garden. Once it’s cleared of boards scaffolding and rain. It’s typical Oregon winter weather. My new lake with submerged walk way. Not water spots and splash circles above the walkway.
Another take on renovating old Houses. If one looks closely you can see the old house and it’s free to a good home. Somewhere on the Utah border. We were gassing the car and just happened to look over and see
the sign and the house after a rather discouraged discussion on what was left to be done to our house. Maybe they have the right idea.
Back in two weeks!.
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit. 😀
Oh, my! Your garden walk is going to be so much tidier than mine! I've been trying to create a garden walk for two years, and have to keep re-doing it. Maybe this year…..
I like the rya on the new tapestry.